
A.N.I.C.E. – Wait for me (including DJ Le Roi Remix)

You can buy this new ep here:


David Durango – Kaméléon

And again his creativity and the witcheries of his music are food for thought. These organic and playful elements are typical for David. With tiny little soundpieces he isn’t just creating a song but gives rise to a nebulous world of sounds.
Behind every corner there is another note and just now and then greater figments occur and turn it on its ear. „Dirty Legend of the black swan“ can be described as catchy and expletive. It floods the club trough and through so you can’t stand still.

Muffled vocals and a squeay arpeggiator melody over a partial arranged bassline are refreshingly new. „Let me know do you funk“ just wants to be played and heard. „Kaméléon“ captivates by its opulence of melody. With an extravagant break David once more shows us his passion for detail and completes this trio for the next „Casual Lab“! Although every track stands for itself David Durango has created a harmonious short story that you might like as well … ?!

DJ Feedback:

  • SIS: long time ago when i could download a hole ep 🙂 thx
  • Salvatore Freda: Uuuuuuh yeeeeah DD
  • Carlos Sanchez: nice tracks!! dirty legend of the black swan is my fav! thanks
  • Mike Starr: Releases on Casual keep getting better and better…support 🙂


You can buy it here: